Husmann Tschäni – poultry poetry
1. 9. 11.- 31. 3. 12.
Direktorenhaus presents the unique works of Husmann Tschäni, world-wide renowed collaborative artists working with pictures, stories and installations together. From the 1st of September until the 31st of March, Direktorenhaus becomes the lair for their exquisite illustrations, paintings, costumes and fabric sculptures. Everything is set up for creating an environment dominated by a powerful sense of fascination and theatrical presence.
Pascale Mira Tschäni & Michael Husmann Tschäni are based in Switzerland and both studied at the College of Art in Lucerne. They received further education at the National Institute of Design, India and a residency in Berlin. Since 2003 they have developed a unique collaborative style encompassing the world of painting, comics, illustration and installation and, recently, also performances from Mumbai to Melbourne. In fact they work backwards, painting in layers on the reverse of acrylic glass, using different materials, such as enamel, oil colour, watercolour, crayon, glitter and spray.
Illustrative e.V., Direktorenhaus, Am Krögel 2, 10179 Berlin
Direktorenhaus is somewhat hidden, but with a little luck and a sense of direction its easy to find. Direktorenhaus is directly next to the river Spree, in front of Rolandufer and diagonally opposite the Nikolaiviertel.