Archive for Dezember, 2010

Merry Christmas! Frohe Weihnachten!

Donnerstag, Dezember 23rd, 2010

I want to wish all of my readers a Merry Christmas and blessed holidays.

I can look back on an eventful year with the foundation of my own artist studio, quite many art- and video- exhibitions, a completely new and much better homepage and much engagement in the art-world  of Berlin.

The representation of my work at the Scope Miami 2010 and my first award and consecutive exhibit in my home county Korea this winter (14th annual presidential exhibition: „Unification of Korea“, Seoul ) gave this years work a very satisfying closure.

I thank you all for your interest and hope you are able to spent this years holidays with your family and loved ones.

Best wishes,

Younhee Yang


Ich wünsche allen meinen Lesern Frohe Weihnachten und gesegnete Feiertage.

Ich kann auf ein ereignissreiches Jahr zurückblicken: Die Gründung meines eigenen Künstlerateliers, recht viele Video- und Kunstausstellungen, eine komplett neue und verbesserte Webseite und ein grosses Engagement in der Kunstwelt Berlins.

Die Präsentation meiner Arbeiten auf der Scope Miami 2010 und mein erster Award mit nachfolgender Ausstellung in meinem Heimatland Korea diesen Winter (14th annual presidential exhibition: „Unification of Korea“, Seoul ) haben der Arbeit dieses Jahres einen sehr befriedigendenAbschluss gegeben.

Ich danke Ihnen allen für Ihr Interesse und hoffe Sie haben die Möglichkeit die Feiertage mit Ihrer Familie und Ihren Lieben zu verbringen.

Mit den besten Wünschen,

Younhee Yang

Participation of Younhee Yang at the 14th Art-Exhibition of the Republic Korea „Unification Korea“ in Seoul

Mittwoch, Dezember 8th, 2010

The presidential 14th Art Exhibition of the Republic Korea will be running from December 12th until December 19th 2010 at the ‚Korean Broadcast and Advertisement Museum‘ in Seoul, Korea.

This prestigious art event features on its 14th edition a great lineup of contemporary artists once again, showing their unique and personal interpretations of the unification of Korea. For the first time, the promising young artist Younhee Yang is featuring two paintings this year.

Miss Yang is working since 2005 in Berlin, Germany, and is – among other topics –  exploring the separation of her home country Korea through her artwork for several years now. Her life abroad in Berlin, Germany, – a country which also has undergone a long period of separation – allows Miss Yang to create artworks from another point of view. Many of her artworks from these series, named ‚Borderless – Grenzenlos‘ or ‚Hope – Hoffnung‘, have been shown in local galleries and also international exhibits, as the Scope Miami 2010. The young artist is creatively representing the difficult topic of borders, which her work embodies in both a physical and also metaphysical meaning.