Archive for November, 2010

GOV – Start Playing! Event Freitag, 26.11.2010 / 21.00 Uhr / Black Box Eintritt frei

Donnerstag, November 25th, 2010

GOV – Start Playing!

Fr, 26.11.2010 / 21.00 Uhr / Black Box
Eintritt frei

Deutschlands größte kostenlose Kunst-Video-Plattform im öffentlichen Raum ist zurück und startet mit einem visuellen Feuerwerk in der Black Box.

trigger, pixels and bytes / videoclips_live_remix_installation
Über 10 Wochen lang werden vom 7. Dezember an allabendlich hunderte von Kunst-Kurzfilmen kostenlos auf Großleinwänden im Foyer Carl-Orff-Saal, 1. OG, und auf dem Celibidacheforum gezeigt.

»Spheric Lounge«
Jeder Elektronik-Musiker kann außerdem an einer Live Session der

„Speric Lounge“  teilnehmen, einem nicht kommerziellen  »Live Ambient Music«-Projekt aus München.


gesagtes wird verwirklicht.
gezeichnetes wird hörbar.
hörbares wird sichtbar.

Zygmunt Januszewski, Idee und Bild
Benedikt Hoenes, Technik und Klang

Der Act zu Gasteig Open Video
Zur Eröffnung gibt es den START PLAYING! Event in der Black Box mit einem »Best of« des diesjährigen GOV-Programms und einem Überraschungsfest für die Augen. Die Berliner Künstlerin Younhee Yang wird auch in diesem Jahr wieder mit einigen Ihrer Kunstvideo’s vertreten sein. Frau Yang nimmt bereits zum dritten Mal an der Veranstaltung GOV teil.

Introducing: »Young Gasteig @ GOV«
Eines der Highlights der diesjährigen GOV wird die öffentliche Uraufführung des Kurzfilms »Dance around Munich« sein, der von Echo Klassik-Gewinner Benedict Mirow inszeniert wurde.

Gleichzeitig stellt dies den Startschuss der Veranstaltungsreihe »25 werden 25« und der Initiative »Young Gasteig« dar, in deren Rahmen sich 25 Künstlerinnen und Künstler im Alter von 25 Jahren anlässlich des Gasteig-Jubiläums in 25 Einzelevents & Projekten dem Publikum präsentieren werden.

Finissage am Freitag, den 12.11.2010 ab 17h @Dada Post Galerie

Donnerstag, November 11th, 2010




Freitag, 12. November


17:00 Uhr

 Dada Post Galerie

Norbahnstrasse 10

13409 Berlin

Mari Rantanen

Screaming Lobsters and Other Important Stories

Guillaume Cailleau


Sculptors: Three Generations

Johannes Denda

Julius Dörner

David Evison

Karsten Konrad


Zu erreichen mit der S-Bahn:

S-1 (Richtung Oranienburg) and S-25 (Richtung Hennigsdorf), Aussteigen bei der Schönholz Station…

Dada Post at the ‚Scope Miami 2010‘

Sonntag, November 7th, 2010

It is with great pleasure that I am announcing the participation of the Dada Post Gallery (Berlin) at the ‚Scope Miami 2010‘, running from November 30th until December 5th 2010 at the Wynwood Gallery Arts District, 3055 North Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida 33127, USA. My artworks will be represented there by the Dada Post Gallery. Below some information from the Scope Miami Website:SCOPE Art Show celebrates tenth year with return to 2008 Midtown Miami location Miami, Florida – The art show that has established its name by curating cutting-edge contemporary art from around the world proudly returns to Miami for its tenth year. Cementing its future with an 80,000 square foot pavilion across the street from Art Miami, SCOPE Miami’s high-profile venue is centrally located in the heart of the Wynwood Gallery Arts District. Running concurrently with Art Basel Miami, SCOPE’s Midtown Miami home is just steps from The Rubell family collection, Margulies Collection at the Warehouse and Goldman Collection. The fair opens to Press and VIPs on Tuesday, November 30 with the FirstView benefit.

This year’s Miami edition of the fair, November 30-December 5, 2010, will present 75 international galleries upholding SCOPE’s unique tradition of solo and thematic group shows presented alongside museum-quality programming, collector tours, screenings, and special events. The unique SCOPE experience expands this year in partnership with local and international cultural organizations, featuring: film, music, installation and performance. “This season we want to highlight SCOPE’s lead role as creative R+D for a wider audience of taste makers who make art their business,” says SCOPE President & Founder Alexis Hubshman. “Introducing artists, curators, and cutting-edge galleries to new international audiences has made SCOPE the most comprehensive destination for the emerging art world.”

In over thirty five fairs spanning the past ten years, SCOPE has solidified its position as the premier show-case for international emerging contemporary art. With art fairs in Miami, Basel, New York, London and the Hamptons, SCOPE Art Show has garnered critical acclaim, with sales of over $100 million and attendance of over 30,000 visitors.

Tuesday, November 30 | 3pm-9pm
Free for VIPs or $100 donation at the door benefiting the SCOPE Foundation

Tuesday, November 30 | 3pm-9pm
Free for all press or $100 donation at the door benefiting the SCOPE Foundation

General Admission Fair Hours
Wednesday | December 1 | 11am-6pm
Thursday-Saturday | December 2-4 | 11-7pm
Sunday | December 5 | 11am-6pm

Notice to my readers

Mittwoch, November 3rd, 2010

I hope my art-blog is being useful to my readers and that some of you might found yourself visiting a good exhibition.

However, I sadly have to make a short announcement: Lately, some person/s have created online accounts using my name and been trying to publish wrongful information about me. I was for example accused on several occasions of being a con-artist and having not delivered artworks after payment among other untrue posts.

I hereby am officially distancing myself from this illegal use of my name and such untrue comments by any means. I am, being a professional artist, conducting my work and business in an honest and serious manner. This endeavor of mine is about the arts only and about bringing it to my audience and anyone who may enjoys it.

If you should come across any such wrongfully posted information about me and my artwork, please disregard them.

If the people who are behind those posts may read this, I am kindly asking you to stop publishing those lies, regardless of what your motivation may be. I choose to bring this issue out to the public using my site and enjoying my artwork because it is not in any way in my intention to ever harm anyone financially or personally.

Thank you very much,


Younhee Yang