The Art of Potluck
Sunday 19 September – 17:00 UHR
Dada Post
Nordbahnstraße 10, 13409 Berlin
POTLUCK |ˈpätˈlək| noun used in reference to a situation in which one must take a chance that whatever is available will prove to be good or acceptable : he could take potluck in a town not noted for its hotels.
a meal or party to which each of the guests contributes a dish : [as adj. ]a potluck supper.
Sunday, 19 September @ 17:00 UHR (performance at 18UHR) all people who enjoy cooking, dining, and sharing, are invited to the art of potluck: an artistic community gathering and performance (the first of many POTLUCKS to come) Please make sure to come before the performance begins at 6 PM to share your special dish and take part in eating!
sponsored by DadaPost, organized by Kate Hers
Potluck golden rule: each person must bring a HOMEMADE dish to share. it must be your own creation, it CANNOT be store bought.
18UHR Special Reading by Giovanni Frazzetto. Please make sure to come before the performance begins to share your special dish and take part in eating!
Giovanni Frazzetto was born and grew up in Sicily. After high school he moved to London to study science and then lived in Germany and France. In 2008 he was awarded the John Kendrew Young Scientist Award for his efforts to promote interdisciplinarity across science, art and the humanities. His science and literary writings have appeared in Nature, EMBOreports and more recently in SAND- Berlins English Literary Journal. He now lives between London and Berlin where he is writing his first collection of stories entitled In between worlds.
Dada Post is an autonomous space for the production, display and discussion of current art. Foremost, we contemplate artistic expression from the standpoint of pure inspiration emanating from the source – the artist. Dada Post was founded in 2008 on the initiative of Howard McCalebb, a sculptor and active figure on the international art scene. It is located in the in the Berlin-Reinickendorf district, in the former König Smoked Fish Factory complex. The one hundred year-old business was transformed into exhibition, performance, and studio spaces for artists.
S-1 (Direction Oranienburg) and S-25 (Direction Hennigsdorf), to the Schönholz station. If you take the S-Bahn be sure to exit at the Schönholz station (not the Wollankstrasse station).